Would you know how to recover your WordPress site if something terrible happened to it? Often times even a small update can wreak havoc on a formerly issueless WordPress site. This happened recently to a company who contacted me for help. They actually had done absolutely nothing to their site to cause the issue. It happened as a result of the latest WordPress core software security update.
Nora Kramer
Facebook Display Advertising Grows, While Google Slips
Have you been struggling with where to put your website's display advertising dollars? According to a recent Digital Marketing Report by IgnitionOne, more advertisers are turning to Facebook for their paid display advertising, instead of Google. Their report shows...
5 Websites That You Probably Didn’t Know Were Built On WordPress
A lot of times when I mention building a website on WordPress people look at me funny because they automatically assume I am talking about a blog. But, WordPress is not just a blogging platform. It is a full blown Content Management System (CMS), which makes it...
7 Essential Features Users Want From a Mobile Website
With 50% of all internet browsing experiences now coming from smaller mobile devices, and it being more essential than ever that your website is served up in a mobile-friendly fashion, it is also important that you offer your visitors a clean and easy-to-use mobile...
Optimizing Your Website Content for Mobile
With the new mobile search algorithm introduced by Google, not so affectionately known by those that have been hit with it as "Mobilegeddon," it is not more important than ever that your website is optimized for mobile devices. Google's official statement on the new...
Happy 4th of July
Here's wishing everyone a happy and safe Independence Day this year! I thought I would put some links to some fun facts about the history of the 4th of July for anyone who is interested: The Story of the 4th of July The History of Independence Day Independence Day...
How To Write A Blog Post For Beginners (And Even Experienced Bloggers)
Let's face it, for some, sitting down to write a blog post on a regular basis seems like a daunting task. What do you say? How do you get your point across? How many words should you use? Where do you start? Don't worry, I have the same questions when I sit down to...
SEO Tactics That Don’t Work Anymore…Are You Still Doing Them?
Search engine optimization (SEO) has long been the bane in the existence of online businesses, digital marketers and website owners. With all of Google's algorithm changes over the past few years, it makes it difficult for those that aren't on top of the industry to...
Is Your Web Professional Providing You a Commodity or a Valuable Service?
It happens all too often. I get a call from a small business looking to have a website developed. And, 9 times out of 10, they are wanting it on the WordPress platform. So, after having them fill out our new client questionnaire, so I can get an idea of what they are...
Microsoft’s WordPress Site Is Hacked! Could Your Site Be Next?
If Microsoft can get hacked, so can your WordPress website! No one is safe. Whether you are a small business, with just a couple of people working for you, or a huge business, with thousands of employees, everyone is prone if they don't take site security seriously....
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