Billboard design is a whole different type of design specialty in and of itself. Whether the billboard is on the side of a building, on a sign on the side of a highway, or on the gas pump at your local gas station, it's not the same as advertising pieces that are...
Nora Kramer
7 Tips to Build a Killer Email List
Anyone who has worked with me for any length of time will know how important I think email lists are for their businesses. In 2016, consumers received and/or sent on average 98.9 emails per day! That figure is expected to rise to 117.7 by the year 2019. Whew, that's a...
5 Ways to Dominate Local Search in 2017
The only thing constant in the world of SEO is change. To stay on the top of search engine results placement (SERPs), you need to follow the current trends and optimize your website so it can reap maximum benefits. Unlike other things, SEO is not one size fits all...
Your Online Cyber Security Survival Guide
From time to time I like to share with my readers and clients items that I run across that they might find interesting. As many who have worked with me know, I love the WordFence security plugin for WordPress. I recently ran across the "Cyber Security Survival Guide"...
What 2017 May Bring for Digital Marketers
As 2016 has come to an end, and we are now one month into 2017, I'm sure everyone is wondering that what’s going to happen next in the world of the internet and digital marketing. The only thing constant in the world of online marketing is change, it seems. In 2016,...
WordPress Releases 4.7.1 Security Release and Update
Last Wednesday, WordPress released version 4.7.1 of their software. Most WordPress websites were auto-updated since this is a security fix that targeted eight security bugs, including a fix for the PHP mailer issue that they announced last month. The PHP mailer issue...
Beware a Highly Effective Gmail Phishing Technique Currently Being Used
Over the past year, a new and effective phishing method has been used to target Gmail and other mail services, and within the past couple of weeks there have been reports of experienced technical users even being hit by it. The way the attack works is that an email is...
Protecting Your Website With WordFence
If I built your WordPress website for you, chances are you have WordFence security software installed on it. WordFence has never let me down and does an amazing job securing your website from potential threats such as malware and hacking. At the time of this post, it...
Content Creation vs. Content Curation: What’s The Difference and Which Should You Be Doing?
Content curation versus content creation – it's one of the most highly debated topics when it comes to social media marketing. And each one has their advantages and drawbacks. So, which one is right for your business? Before making that decision, let's look at what...
7 Actionable Things You Can Do To Help Decrease Your Website Bounce Rates
One of the things most bloggers and website owners hope not to have on their website is something that is called a "high bounce rate." While many SEO experts will argue that a high bounce rate does not necessarily mean you will have a low conversion rate, not all...
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