(352) 397-2705

Nora Kramer

5 Signs That Your Website Needs A Redesign

5 Signs That Your Website Needs A Redesign

Is your website the same one you put online five, over even ten years ago? If so, it might be time for you to consider a website redesign. Many times people think they are fine with their website just the way it is, however chances are a website that hasn't had a...

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Website Sliders Are Out and Hero Images Are In

Website Sliders Are Out and Hero Images Are In

Sliders, also called carousels or rotating banners, are those rotating text and images seen at the top of a website's homepage have been all the rage for several years now. Almost every client who has wanted a website built in the past several years feels like they...

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Why Is My Website Suddenly Losing Search Rankings?

Why Is My Website Suddenly Losing Search Rankings?

Have you noticed a change in your search engine placements (SERPs) over the past few weeks? Perhaps your website has slipped in search, or risen in search, rather unexpectedly. Many websites are reporting such a change and getting concerned that Google is dropping...

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Why Knowing Your Website Audience Is Important

Why Knowing Your Website Audience Is Important

Often times I am approached by a client who has an idea in their mind of exactly what they want their website to look like. And, I am not saying that's a bad thing at all. Believe me, it's so much easier to work with a client who knows what they do want, than to work...

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Would You Like a Free Website?

Would You Like a Free Website?

It's crazy how often people working in the creative fields get asked to build a free website or do free graphic design work. Sometimes I will even be told by people what a "great opportunity" someone's particular project would be to "help me build my portfolio." This...

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Nora Kramer Designs Is Now on Bloglovin!

Nora Kramer Designs Is Now on Bloglovin!

I am happy to announce that Nora Kramer Designs' blog is now being picked up by Bloglovin, a great platform used by bloggers and blog lovers to help make it easy to follow and discover all of your favorite blogs and bloggers. Follow My Blog With Bloglovin Bloglovin...

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Attention To Detail On Your Website – It Matters!

Attention To Detail On Your Website – It Matters!

As I continually browse the web, I find more and more websites where attention to detail was obviously not a motivating factor for the website developer or owner. This is a shame because they are not doing themselves any favor by skipping over "the little things."...

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10 Reasons People Exit Your Website Quickly

10 Reasons People Exit Your Website Quickly

If you watch your analytics you may see a term called "bounce rate" and wonder what exactly that means. Your bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who navigate away (bounce away) from your site after only viewing one page. And, while there can be a variety of...

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