A lot of people look at me funny when I bring up the term "personal branding." Many have heard of "branding" in terms of their business, but never consider the benefits of personal branding. Branding has long been a tool used by companies to position themselves in...
Digital Marketing
Is Your Business Willing To “Pay-to-Play” With Facebook Advertising?
Have you noticed a slow down in visits to your Facebook company/brand page over the past four weeks? As of this past month, it is now officially "pay-to-play" in Facebook land for businesses, when it comes to advertising and promoting your brand. Back in November,...
Homepage Design Mistakes That Many Businesses Make
Many business make some serious design mistakes on their homepages, some in the name of being "trendy," that could be causing them to lose potential clients and customers, as well as conversion rates. Homepage Sliders I realize that many people think that homepage...
Simple Secrets to Good Homepage Design
The homepage of your website is often the page many visitors will go to first. So, when designing your website, it is important to follow a few basic principles to engage your visitors. Remember, most people will decide within 3 to 5 seconds whether they want to stay...
Is A Small Business Website Even Necessary?
I hear it a lot. "My business is small." "I don't think a small business website even matters." "Why would a small business have a website?" This is actually an important and frequently asked question in our digital age. A lot of small business owners think a website...
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